Why Choose IIOUF?
IAMA International Open University of Florida (IIOUF) is a new age, research focused university which was set-up after a lot of brainstorming and deliberation involving not just people from the academia but also people from the corporate world who gave us their insight in terms of what they want from the educational institutions. Based on their inputs and feedback we decided to set up this university, with the following features:
      • Quality Education – The focus is on the quality of the academic content taught and also the faculties who will deliver this content
      • Affordable, Minimal Fee – Our efforts are directed towards making education affordable for all. As such, while the fee is very competitive, there are scholarship opportunities for students up to 100% on the tuition fees
      • Borderless Campus – In order to ensure that everyone has an access to our university, we have decided not to be bound by boundaries. Hence IIOUF is available online to anyone across the globe who wishes to pursue his dream. Also we are setting up Learning Centers across the globe in collaboration with like-minded institutions and partners for students who wish to study in a more structured physical campus
      • Dynamic & Versatile – We have decided to focus on the current needs of the industry and the emerging trends in the markets. Accordingly, while the existing courses shall be revised from time to time, we shall also introduce new programs in every semester. Industry Centric – Our aim is not just to educate people but also ensure that our students graduate as employable resources. As such our Academic Council meets the representatives from the industry so at to understand the current trends and new industry demands. This helps us modify the existing programs and also introduce new programs in lines with the industry requirement. Additionally, we organize online and offline sessions with industry stalwarts from across the globe for our students. Almost all our programs entail industrial projects and internships
      • Assessment – Our assessment system in not based on your academic study alone. Every student is expected to submit coursework including Learning Outcomes, Project Reports and Thesis as part of their assessment. We also encourage our students to focus on industrial research and development for which grants and subsidies are also allocated
      • Career Support – Every Learning Center will also assist the students secure jobs within and outside the country. The Career Development center (CDC) in Florida will also be providing the a Learning Centers with the student placement support
      • Incubation Center – The Head Office of IIOUF in Florida encourages all its Learning Centers to set-up incubation centers at their campus in order to encourage the spirit of entrepreneurship amongst the students