IIOUF is a Chartered University Incorporated under the Laws of the State of Florida | IIOUF is a Life Members of International Academic and Management Association | IIOUF is an ISO 9001:2015 Certified University | IIOUF is an ISO 2001:2018 Certified University |IIOUF is an ISO 29993:2017 Certified University | IIOUF is an ISO 29994:2021 Certified University
IAMA International Open University of Florida is a “Chartered University” incorporated under the Laws of the State of Florida with incorporation number N22000004992.
Additionally, IIOUF currently has full accreditation from:
The International Association for Quality Assurance in Pre-Tertiary and Higher Education (QAHE, USA)
The EduTrust Education Quality Accreditation Association (EQA, USA)
The International Academic and Management Association (IAMA)
IIOUF has also received the following ISO Certifications